Chandanpur (closed since 2020)

In 2019, we were able to visit the school in Chandanpur together with Christine Weitman, Sunil Das and his daughter Debkalpa Das. This school was well attended and the teacher (second from the right in the picture) was very motivated.

Unfortunately, the school building was built at ground level on agricultural land. During an unusually severe storm with heavy flooding, both the simple building and the teaching materials were badly damaged and the school had to be closed. The landowner of the land on which the school was built, which had been used free of charge for years, took this as an opportunity to register his own requirements and use the land himself again. A new school building on a different site is currently being examined.


School visit in Chandanpur 2019: from left to right AGAMEE member, Prof. Dr. Sunil Das, former student (now goldsmith), Christine Weitmann, Taan Das, TEACHER, Dr. Martin Maier


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