Sewing courses for women in Nepal

There are few prospects in the poorly developed regions of Nepal, as agriculture is not affordable and educational opportunities are limited. Many Nepalese therefore go abroad to work and young women in particular end up in forced marriages or prostitution as a result. For this reason, our partner organization United Serve Society Nepal is committed to providing these women with six months of tailoring training. In this way, the women can create their own businesses and thus a more secure source of income. Here you can find impressions and information about the courses so far.

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A perspective for traumatised needleworkers

On April 24th, 2013, Rana Plaza, one of the largest sewing factory buildings in Bangladesh collapsed, leaving many of the surviving needleworkers traumatized and unemployed. In order to give those affected a new perspective under better working conditions, Christine Weitmann founded a small sewing shop together with Abdul Wahab, the local partner. The building is single-storey, there are large windows for daylight and there is enough space between the work tables. The employees receive a reasonable wage for their work and lunch.

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